You are the Creator.

Make the choice. I know it seems crazy and impossible and like it isn’t going to work. But the moment you decide to say “screw you” to the things that you hate, the things in your life that make you cry or make your skin crawl or simply don’t light the fire within your soul…the moment you say “I’m done with you, I’m ready to live my life MY WAY”…. the Universe is going to start shifting in your favor. You are the Creator of your reality. YOU GUYS. This is our ONE shot at this life (in our current bodies, that is). WHY are you spending your days complaining about every single moment, hating your job or your relationship or the president or whatever the fu*k when you could be hugging animals, breathing fresh air, eating the most delicious fruits, having the most amazing sex, and truly feeling healthy and wealthy in every cell of your being! The world you are waiting for is waiting for you to speak it into existence. Whatever a good fulfilling life looks like to you…you can have it. IT ALREADY EXISTS. But you have to let go all the rest of the crap and choose to bring forth the reality you desire. When I was a senior in high school I was cast in a show called “The Matchmaker” (shoutout to Mrs. Bennett and LHS drama heeeeyyyy). My character’s name was Flora Van Huysen and at the time I didn’t understand her at all. I was just happy to be in a show my senior year and tried to squeeze as much humor out of her as possible. But after rereading the script recently i realized that Miss Van Huysen is quite a wise woman. “The important thing is that you’re all in love. EVERYTHING ELSE IS ILLUSION.” That’s all this life is, an illusion. And I for one know that I’m going to make my illusion very colorful, interesting, and MINE.

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